August 24, 2021

The Graveyard of Empires

We have witnessed the fall of the US backed Afghan government and the repeats of the Vietnam war retreat with very similar images. Helicopters coming down to the embassy to fly staff away to safety. Civilians making panic runs to airfields, when US troops shoot to the air to prevent people from blocking the jets from taking off.

The question of blame is raging across the United States, and disagreement over the withdraw was warranted or not. However in most camps it seems that the debate is not if the withdraw was justified - but rather how it was executed.

Some have argued that it was bad to withdraw punter like Ben Shapiro makes this argument, others like Tucker Carlson suggest that the withdraw was long over due and Tucker is not alone he is joined by Glenn Greenwald and I think most anti war people on both the left and right of the political spectrum.

However this withdraw, anti-war, union has criticism towards the president in essence this could of been done better. The withdraw that happened under Biden is mess, with the US now having a bloody nose over it.

I was Appalled

The interview by Matt Zeller hit the US public as an unprepared deer, the scenes at Kabul Airport was the truck that smashed the US perception of the already disastrous withdraw, that had been preceded by almost Babylon Bee comedy if it were not real.

To say that event did not shake the confidence of the world on what was happening, it certainly undermined the Afghan Army capability to fight. Having military support personnel as well as civilian contractors who maintained the Afghan forces (such as airforce) get withdrawn by the US meant that logistically the Afghan Army could not maintain its vehicles and equipment, it also meant that the Air Force could not function either as the US had not trained any mechanics.

Then there was Matt Zeller whose interview on MSNBC stirred up even more emotions in the US. The impassioned speech given by him as a counter to pathological liar Brian Williams whose line during the Biden briefing as defining and clear message and that Biden owned the event. Zeller retorts back “I Hope he owns their deaths too” followed by ”I must of seen a different speech to you guys” with his famous line I was Appalled. He then single handedly on live television demolished Biden’s fantasy on live Television.

Absolute Division

So far the commentariat class is making people divide into two camps. First camp says that the withdraw was a mistake and the US needed to stay there, camp two suggest that the entering the war was a problem and the withdraw had to be done.

Lately some are suggesting that the third option which was - the war was bad to begin with and withdrawing like the US did was not only damaging it was immoral, they should of evacuated before withdrawing. This option, the third option, is no better than the first in other words encouraging perpetual war.

This argument is reductionism and absurd, the way the US withdrew sent a clear signal to others.

To be a friend is fatal - Henry Kissinger

This withdraw was met with the CCP saying that the US wont defend Taiwan in case of a Chinese offensive this was also then followed with military exercises near Taiwanthe intent communicated was obvious - being a Friend of the US is fatal.

This has sent shocks to the UK, Europe - via Germany, and undermined the trust between the allies. Australia recently is considering changes in foreign policy positions.

The thousands of Afghan personnel who aided the US are now being executed, or are sentenced to death, however what is most shocking is the US citizens with over 15000 of thenleft behind in Afghanistan, most telling sending a message to the US citizenry that the government has no consideration or safety for its own. This is also considering that the UK and Australia have already withdrawn civilians left behind.

This move by the president has been disastrous, not only from the consistent flipping of narratives by the president, to the lack of planning, and now even to the lack of care to their own citizens.

That Was 4 Days ago!

While the incompetency of members of the current US government is on full force at the moment, with the insane influencer hiring idea. What has been shown to the world if the mental capacity of the US president. Going from Not Saigon - to flatly saying that the responsibility is with him after blaming everybody else but himself to another disastrous interview where this factored in. Unfortunately for the President the rest of Humanity does have a memory of what he has said over many times. The best part of that ABC interview is when pressed on the withdraw issue replied with ”Come on man that was 4 days ago”.

This burst on live TV followed by another Press Briefing where he ranted about Vaccines and forgot to mention the 15000 US citizens still stuck in Afghanistan, and in typical Biden transparent fashion walked off the press room with out taking questions.

The weakness of the country lies in its leaders, and at the moment it has an absent minded leader - this being an insult to absent minded people.

Giving the ground to China

Now geopolitically this move is even more absurd with China already recognising and willing to workwith the Taliban. Placing China with a geo-strategic position with access to Iran, Pakistan, and Syria. China now has potential access to the oil and gas reserves in the region which is desperately needs, as it has none.

La Batea

This leaves the US with a red eye cause by embarrassment of execution, by Generals who so far have never won a war yet are decorated as any North Korean general who also never have fought a war.

If one were to believe in conspiracies this withdraw has undermined the belief and confidence of the US military both internally and to the world. This would be part of the destruction of institutions of Government.