Alea iacta est

Thoughts, events, ideas and analysis

Dec 10, 2023

The Long Shadow Pt 1

The Long Shadow Pt 1

BELGIANS IN THE CONGO! — Billy Joel Leopold the Second had wanted to expand Belgiums colonial dreams, his realisation that the wealth of the European nations depended upon the exploitation of colonies that they

Jun 15, 2022

Energy and Risk

Energy and Risk

Recently in Australia the east coast, has been hit with a cold blast causing a larger demand for energy (both gas and electrical). The Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) recently has been warning

Nov 7, 2021

Dark Winter

Dark Winter

Late last year and early this year, the media in the US where talking about the coming Dark Winter with Covid-19. Sure there were the Texas power issues, and then the fuel-pipeline which

Oct 6, 2021

The Graveyard of Empires Pt3

The Graveyard of Empires Pt3

The Biden administration popularity is on an all time high, with this high example at a NASCAR [] event - screaming - Let’s go Branden!

Sep 30, 2021

The Straya Factor

So Australia has been making the news rounds lately with the increasing escalation and heavy handed approach taken with handling Covid-19. However what makes Australia even more insidious is that there is no

Sep 29, 2021

The Graveyard of Empires Pt2

The effects of the withdraw of the US from Afghanistan still are rippling and reverberating in the world. Domestically in the US this has lead to a rise of anger towards the Presidency

Sep 14, 2021

The Fauci “Ouchi”

Recently National Geographic released a trailer for their lates , documentary Fauci []. The documentary is getting unfairly down voted, as people ask if its , with comments such

Aug 30, 2021

iPad Pro + Magic Keyboard

When Apple first introduced the iPad Pro it had one gimmick - the Apple Pencil, sure it had better screen, sound, but in reality it was the Pencil. This was to directly compete

Aug 24, 2021

The Graveyard of Empires

We have witnessed the fall of the US backed Afghan government and the repeats of the Vietnam war retreat with very similar images. Helicopters coming down to the embassy to fly staff away

Aug 16, 2021


Nothing insults the intelligence of the populace when being told outright contradictions. The latest mess caused by a certain Washington Reporter at CNN, who in the light of Obama’s 60th birthday party

Jul 11, 2021

Biological Timebomb

A simple thought experiment - what if the covid-19 vaccine is leaky. A leaky vaccine can be simply defined as a vaccine which offers limited protection most offer full or none, but leaky

Jun 18, 2021

Covid, Vaccines and Thrombosis

There is an old saying, "Fool me once shame on you fool me twice shame on me". We've been having a radical shift and undermining of our institutions at an alarming rate, this