
Nothing insults the intelligence of the populace when being told outright contradictions. The latest mess caused by a certain Washington Reporter at CNN, who in the light of Obama’s 60th birthday party offered that the problem was one only about optics and it had nothing to do with safety and only to contradict herself on live television that all the guests had taken proper precautions and were vaccinated (not to mention the sophisticated bit).

The Medical term is Sophisticated

The odd thing she was quick to dismiss was the optics of the situation, but yes optics is everything, especially when the public is highly distrustful of the Government. They see the blatant double standard, the unsophisticated have to wear masks vaccinated or not, the unsophisticated cannot visit relatives vaccinated or not, the unsophisticated cannot see dying ones or births vaccinated or not.

In a time when people are asked to sacrifice their relationships, to have unaccountable politicians (who enacted the limitations to the freedoms they have taken from the populace) openly flaunt the violations of their own rules, is not only a slap to the face of the populace but also a rather insidious statement about the validity of the regime, and asserts that they are there for their own benefit not those who elected them.

Let them eat cake

This whole things sounds like a reverse of the famous saying “Let them eat cake” from Marie Antoinette except in reverse. The sheer hubris and detachment from reality from the common folk, about these rules, enforced on people. To then have the propensity of the powerful to evade said rules they themselves enact, is the epitomy of Rules for Thee but not for Me .

This begins the breakdown of society, people might tolerate a lot but in the past governments knew that they had a role in maintaining order, nowadays it feels that the facade/mask has completely fallen off.