June 18, 2021

Covid, Vaccines and Thrombosis

There is an old saying, "Fool me once shame on you fool me twice shame on me". We've been having a radical shift and undermining of our institutions at an alarming rate, this started with Coronavirus Is Worse Than You've Been Told: Scientist Explains , Dr John Campbell oddly enough SkyWatch TV firstly tracking the data and reporting on the outbreak of this virus before it hit the main stream media. I recall also various subreddits that did exist at the time but no longer do tracking the spread of the disease and the reports of mobile cancellations, pictures of mass burnings in China. None of this was mentioned in the media who still were reporting it as an isolated incident at a wet market. Speaking of which Bad Science or something worse, Coronavirus: Doctors Stunned By Damage Seen Inside The Body, Something is not right, Covid-19 Virus Lab-Made? Fauci Connected?, Coronavirus: Are Our Scientists Lying To Us?, More Evidence Covid-19 May NOT Be Natural

This was back in May, the idea this was man-made a lot of the arguments thrown against the lab origin hypothesis were exposed to be weak, if they had any argumentation at all. The best has been the "Nature" article in which the Cleavage-Site segment was carefully labelled as "not interesting" or "no explanation" in effect the authors simply ignored it.

Now we have Ivermectin that is getting closed and no further investigation, Dr. Peter McCullough also raising alarm bells on the shutdown of the lab-leak hypothesis, the Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquin (the only way I can describe it as an attack) clinical efficacy, and use in treating Covid-19.

We have a deep crisis here, and I'll add personal anecdote as to why I am getting increasingly skeptical of our medical institutions that seem more focused on profit, and an agenda rather than treating people. So a while ago I was diagnosed with high cholesterol levels, naturally I decided that I was going to do the right thing and take my medication let alone let my heart and arteries explode due to clogging.

When taking the medication, I felt as if my brain had entered a permanent state of fog, I felt disconnected from my self and disassociated, I had constant memory issues, and it really did feel as if I was coming down with dementia. My muscles felt weaker than they had previously and painful, when exercising I did not recover as quickly. This all started when I took the medication, when I read the side-effects list I was surprised to see them listed, however it was generally considered dismissed as they were "incidental" side-effects that are not correlated to the medication. I spoke to the Doctor and was adamant that it was not the medication, this was safe after all statins are the wunder-drug, it was all in my head or something else was wrong.

In the end I stopped taking it, a few years later I found this podcast about statins, a lot of information is confidential, can cause things like type-2 diabetes. The ABC response to their own program by Maryanne Demasi which questioned the benefits of statins which lead to a published peer reviewed article blasting the industry and the medical institutions. There are other issues in Science the Replication Crisis is a major problem and its a major problem with large amounts of money at stake. The amount of money spent on such programs is nuts, and it only benefits the few people in the field.

“Before mass leaders seize the power to fit reality to their lies, their propaganda is marked by its extreme contempt for facts as such, for in their opinion fact depends entirely on the power of man who can fabricate it. ― Hannah Arendt, The Origins of Totalitarianism"

Lab-Leaks are common in fact there are have been multiple lab-leaks in the past historically one of the most scary incidents happened in 1977 when the 1914 Influenza escaped a lab after it was "resurrected" (History of lab-leaks).

The Wuhan market originally mentioned to be the origin of the virus where "bats" where sold. However back in Jan-2020 it was known that it wasn't the origin but also that the market did not sell bats in the first place!

Nature release a "paper" (more of an opinion piece)

Furthermore, if genetic manipulation had been performed, one of the several reverse-genetic systems available for betacoronaviruses would probably have been used. However, the genetic data irrefutably show that SARS-CoV-2 is not derived from any previously used virus backbone.

First question - why are computers involved? - as a refuting mentions

Therefore, the author’s chain of arguments does not make sense: “computer says binding is not ideal, thus CoV2 must be the result of natural selection. Ergo, this is strong evidence that CoV2 is not lab-made.” Wait, just because CoV2 differs from some “optimal” virus, doesn’t mean it could not have been created in a lab. Not the lab trying to create “optimal” bioweapons, but a lab creating chimeras of naturally found strains, say, in bats and pangolins.

The polybasic cleavage site Nature quotes:

The acquisition of both the polybasic cleavage site and predicted O-linked glycans also argues against culture-based scenarios. New polybasic cleavage sites have been observed only after prolonged passage of low-pathogenicity avian influenza virus in vitro or in vivo. Furthermore, a hypothetical generation of SARS-CoV-2 by cell culture or animal passage would have required prior isolation of a progenitor virus with very high genetic similarity, which has not been described. Subsequent generation of a polybasic cleavage site would have then required repeated passage in cell culture or animals with ACE2 receptors similar to those of humans, but such work has also not previously been described.

First off, the authors themselves cite previous works where the furin site arose in vitro as viruses were cultured in cells. And second, what do they mean, a strain with high genetic similarity has not been described — what about RaTG13? If it had its RBM replaced by one from the pangolin strain, and then the chimeric strain was cultured in vitro, then the furin site could well have arisen in this matter. Additionally, the new strain could thus acquire other mutations that distinguish CoV2 from RaTG13 and pangolin-2019. But in terms of the potential lab-based origin of the furin site, I am more inclined to hypothesize a specific insertion — as in the Beijing paper from October 2019 with chicken coronavirus. After that, the synthetic strain could have acquired new mutations by subsequent culturing in vitro or in vivo — like the MA15 murine strain in 2007, for example. Or maybe even using the same mouse model with humanized lung tissues and immune system that was created at UNC by Baric’s and other groups in 2018, in which they reported testing several viruses including MERS: The human innate and adaptive immune system of BLT-L mice We generated an in vivo model with human lung implants and an autologous human immune system by constructing BLT mice with autologous human lung implants (BLT-L humanized mice). Finally, even if CoV2 is the product of selection rather than intelligent design, that does not rule out a lab leak either — selection can happen in the lab just as well, both natural and artificial kinds. Different strains can recombine in research animals or in vitro by design or by chance.

The majority of the narratives which have been spun during this time have all been fake provided by PANDA - you can see their live data

Now we start getting to the bad stuff, the vaccine -

The MHRA now has more than enough evidence on the Yellow Card system to declare the COVID-19 vaccines unsafe for use in humans. Preparation should be made to scale up humanitarian efforts to assist those harmed by the COVID-19 vaccines and to anticipate and ameliorate medium to longer term effects. As the mechanism for harms from the vaccines appears to be similar to COVID-19 itself, this includes engaging with numerous international doctors and scientists with expertise in successfully treating COVID-19.

This letter from Dr Tess Lawrie is an insane start to this issue - recently Eric Clapton recently has had a bad reaction and this was with the AstraZeneca Vaccine - which is not a great start, however as this article points out the Pfizer is potentially worse.

In fact the above articles use of a database called VAERS now is under attack by the MSM. As the article says, “The agency has inadvertently given the anti-vax community a powerful tool for spreading misinformation about the vaccines it’s encouraging the world to use.” – Both the tool and the anti-vax movement have been around for long before the Covid mRNA / vector vaccines. So, there’s that.

The article is an assertion about reality, not an argument. Some of the VAERS reports are questionable and dismissible; others may be sincere but nonetheless incorrect attributions to the vaccine based on bad timing. That does not lead to a proof that “We have a whole spinning narrative of misinformation that’s based on tiny kernels of truth,” as the article asserts. Because it is equally possible that the truth is worse than what is being reported in VAERS – that we have a kernel of information corresponding to a tsunami of truth. We just don’t know.

It’s nonsensical to use the inability of the VAERS system to keep up with a true, large-scale medical catastrophe, as an argument that we can’t possibly be actually experiencing one. But what else is the media good for, but passing off nonsense as “expert opinion.”

If you are a woman you should be weary these two articles point two major points.

  1. That the spike protein generated by mRNA vaccine accumulates a lot more in Ovaries
  2. That Spontaneous abortions rate are really more than 80x higher after the mRNA vaccine shot.

Here is the massive point, that pregnant women were excluded from the Pfizer trial data because it was highlighted as an anomaly. Statiscally speaking SA occurs 10% - however the trail had women who were past the third trimester - and once that group is removed pre-third trimester cohort pregnancy abortion rate jumped to 80%.

Here is another page showing the aggregate data of reactions to the Covid-19 vaccines - now note the insane reaction response to the Moderna/Pfizer mRNA vaccines.

More Dr's are coming out with even more data suggesting the potential mechanisms as to how this happens - The main issue pointed is that the mRNA vaccine causes cells to produce the spike proteins of the COV2, however these proteins break out and end up flooding the body and moving to areas that are outside the initial injection site (this happens with the JnJ and AZ vaccines but to a smaller degree - as they have the same structural spike) - the Spike protein is Cytotoxic - In this exchange by Stephanie Seneff (MIT) and Robert Malone (inventor of mRNA vaccines, Malone was forwarded this information not part of the discussion)

But then I think maybe the most disturbing thing to me is they actually modified the code so that it doesn’t produce a normal version of the spike protein. It produces a version that has a couple of prolines in it side by side at the critical place where this spike protein normally would fuse with the cell that it’s infecting. So the spike protein binds to the ACE2 receptor once it’s produced by the human cell, according to the vaccine instructions. But it’s a modified version of the spike protein. It has these two prolines that make it very stiff so that it can’t reshape. Normally it would bind to the ACE2 receptor and then it would reshape and go straight into the membrane like a spear. And because of this redesign, it can’t do that so it sits there on the ACE2 receptor exposed.

Malone's comment is incredibly damming

yes, it is locked into a pre-fusion confirmation.
It has a transmembrane anchor added which is supposed to keep it in the membrane of the cell that expresses it after mRNA transfection.
But clearly there is a proteolytic cleavage step that is happening (no surprise) which is cutting it free from the transfected cells.
We know it is being clipped because of the HMS/Brigham paper measuring free spike in the blood of vaccinees.
All of this should have been sorted out before it went into humans.

The paper he quoting is showing how this protein is making it self around the body and being detected even after 29 days post injection (apparently its not meant to be longer than 4). From the abstract

SARS-CoV-2 proteins were measured in longitudinal plasma samples collected from 13 participants who received two doses of mRNA-1273 vaccine. 11 of 13 participants showed detectable levels of SARS-CoV-2 protein as early as day one after first vaccine injection. Clearance of detectable SARS-CoV-2 protein correlated with production of IgG and IgA.

If you want to participate in a clinical trial/experiment then go ahead take the vaccine - however know this that you are being lied to, by the very same people who are now seriously implicated and are involved in this type of research. I mean even this "report" places the blame on Trump, now I am not a Trump supporter by any means but having the gall to claim that people suffering TDS is an excuse to drive an opposite agenda and not the people who knowingly covered up the research they had done illegally (because Obama Shut it down, and they let it continue) is outright stupid and misleading.

The fact that the Pfizer failed to perform lab-trials, how much is your life worth to Pfizer/Moderna 50 Billion apparently.

So which vaccine - in Australia the options where the AstraZeneca or the Pfizer vaccine - my preference based on two bad choices - the AstraZeneca vaccine given its more of a traditional vaccine with a modified virus, cleaving would happen however unlike Pfizer so far considering the data seems to be safer, however having RNA flying around your body might lead you to have a bad case of prions

As Dr McCullough points out on this video the Virus is treatable , however the Vaccine is the drive why the vaccine? Also talk of Vaccine Passports and only the "right - mRNA" one as this Concert is now wanting to enforce. This is insane - Dr Maryanne Demasi (a Dr I follow and has been more right than wrong) along with (now "disgraced") Prof Peter Gotzsche (fired for potentially questioning the safety of the vaccine) how this type of passport is a huge breach of rights.

If you want to be scared even more SPARS some would say this is the blueprint - in three years time we will find out according to that paper.