July 11, 2021

Biological Timebomb

A simple thought experiment - what if the covid-19 vaccine is leaky. A leaky vaccine can be simply defined as a vaccine which offers limited protection most offer full or none, but leaky offer a deadly third option (some).

This is not some form of speculation and its simple application of evolutionary theory - the selective pressure on the organism will move it to a point where it can escape the biological confine we have seen this in bacteria, and in HIV.

HIV is a more current example - in the past the were previous HIV treatments that worked for a short time however the virus has a high mutation rate thanks to its reverse transcriptase enzyme which is highly erroneous. Single drugs would work for a short while but soon after the virus would escape and render the drug useless this documentary which is quite long details how the world coped with HIV and how it mutated, until the development of the Triple-Cocktail or HAART in which a combination of drugs keep the virus at bay, not destroyed.

The point being is that viruses mutate a lot, and they do this to allow them to escape their hosts immune response. Now to COVID-19, this virus is interesting because it has been detected in various mammalian life-forms, but has a specific affinity for human cells. The CDC offers this unconvincing and rather contradictory information regarding infection, now the chances are low - but it has been detected in

Recent experimental research shows that many mammals, including cats, dogs, bank voles, ferrets, fruit bats, hamsters, mink, pigs, rabbits, racoon dogs, tree shrews, and white-tailed deer can be infected with the virus. Cats, ferrets, fruit bats, hamsters, racoon dogs, and white-tailed deer can also spread the infection to other animals of the same species in laboratory settings. A number of studies have investigated non-human primates as models for human infection. Rhesus macaques, cynomolgus macaques, baboons, grivets, and common marmosets can become infected with SARS-CoV-2 and become sick in a laboratory setting.

Back to HIV - so far HAART has been quite effective but a while ago a it has been noticed that resistance has been going up but with HAART there are multiple ways to combat this normally the virus can develop resistance to one drug but not all at the same time, so at times the cocktail changes slightly and that keeps the virus at bay for a while. People with HIV get tested regularly for resistance, one note is that people born from mothers with HIV have already highly resistant strains.

In fact the WHO is constantly monitoring for HIV resistance especially for PreP - one reason I don't think having PreP available as an option for sex is a good idea.

For a while it has been thought that vaccines for HIV and malaria would be leaky, because of the deadliness of such diseases and their method of infection any protection would be imperfect.

Which leads us to Marek's disease while not the only type of virus which now plagues the earth due to ineffective leaky vaccines - but also are way more lethal, for Marek's disease the kills 100% of all unvaccinated birds. What makes this even more striking is short time-span in which this mutated form appeared, less than 10 years.

So the first question is are these vaccines leaky - according to Dr Geert Vanden Bossche- the answer is yes. In his letter to the WHO explaining the potential hazards of mass vaccinations with imperfect vaccines placing large amounts of evolutionary pressure is dangerous. The virus will find reservoirs of - and to be honest given earlier that animals can carry this virus means that there will be large reservoirs for the virus to escape to.

AED - Just like an IED except the terrorist is your immune system

Dr Bossche also notes that imperfect vaccines also increase the risk of AED - this is where to put it simply the immune system is tricked for example in Dengue fever, the antibodies produced bind but do not inactivate the virus so when other immune cells collect the virus - the virus infects said immune cells - triggering a cytokine storm given that Covid-19 binds to the ACE2 receptor also found in immune cells this is means that an imperfect leaky vaccine would potentially also cause people to die due to their immune response - even this article from the guardian states why this happens, and the tag line

Don’t think of this as a bad sign, it’s exactly what’s expected from an effective but imperfect jab.

Is exactly what Dr Bossche is worried about - an imperfect Jab that will potentially cause people who are "vaccinated" to die more ie: increase their risk of covid-19 death, than the unvaccinated.

The Bomb

So now we have a situation where you have a highly mutating virus, with a leaky vaccine, a large reservoir of both unvaccinated and vaccinated, placing large selective pressure on a virus, in a decade this virus will go from a "mild-flu" to deadly pathogen like Marek's disease, and given its proclivity to infect mammalian life it might wipe all of us - and those who survive the virus, might envy the dead, now play Russian roulette with their lives and immune system hoping that the vaccine doesn't kill them or that the virus causes their immune system to kill them.